TuneIn Auto Post now playing songs from your radio station

TuneIn Auto Post is our service that allows you to post your Radio Stations ‘Now Playing’ songs to TuneIn and have your songs appear in their directory and show up in listener searches.


Automatically post your songs to TuneIn

We offer a hosted service that can grab your ‘Now Playing’ song from any compatible streaming server (we support Location Webradio StreamingShoutcast v1Shoutcast v2IcecastRadionomyRadioJar
SAM CloudTikilive, Radio.co, CAST, Live 365, Centova Cast, Airtime Pro and many more) and post it to the TuneIn radio directory.


Simple as that!


There are hundreds of thousands of radio stations broadcasting on TuneIn and you are probably one of them. Everyone competing for listeners.

Do you want to get ahead of the rest? Of course you do! We can help!Tune In Auto Post

Let your potential listeners search for their favourite song and it could be playing on YOUR radio station!

This is a MUST for every radio station.

As mentioned on the TuneIn website!


order facebook radio player Order from 5.00€/month

order accessible to customers Location Webradio Streaming and external to our services. Need a webradio already published on TuneIn.